Friday, May 11, 2012

The Arkells

The Arkells (from Canada) are a band I discovered a while ago and I'm unsure why Hollywood hasn't been beating down their door for permission to license their songs.  They have a very strong Hall and Oates sound, if Hall and Oates were updated and had an "indie" flavor. The Arkells' music has strong production and rich melodies obviously drawn from the 80s bands they grew up listening to on the radio. Their last album is called 'Michigan Left' and is a very solid listen. One can imagine "Kiss Cam" playing over the opening credits of the latest Justin Long romantic comedy as the camera pans over the night skyline of New York and the Brooklyn Bridge. (I choose New York because it tends to have a little more romantic element than LA, in my opinion. YMMV)

Here's "Kiss Cam":

Another song that beautifully depicts the general sound or "vibe" of the album:

You can buy the album at the following sites:


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